Tailored Services


Workshop fee includes 10% GST

Jonathan (Jonny) Schauder continues the same mission and tradition as authors like Stephen Covey, Ken Blanchard and Roger Fisher to bring complex and academic ideas into formats that everyone can use.

Jonny is a registered psychologist with a commerce background. He has over 20 years’ experience helping Australia’s corporate and community leaders to optimise their teams and strategies.

He started his career as a youth worker coaching young people and police to improve their interactions. After teaching final year organisational strategy and marketing subjects at Monash University, he went on to deliver advanced negotiation and mediation skills workshops with CMA. CMA is an offshoot of the Harvard Negotiation Project, based in Melbourne, Australia. Jonny was mentored at CMA by Eliezer Kornhauser, whose ideas strongly influenced his approach to the theory of interpersonal skills development.

Also as part of that CMA journey Jonny taught in Harvard Law School under Professor Roger Fisher, author of the best-selling, Getting to yes.

Over the years more than 35,000 people have attended Jonny’s workshops, mediations and seminars. He is known for his ability to make complex theory easy to understand, remember and use.

He owns and runs The Change Agent Network Pty Ltd based in Melbourne. Jonny is married to Emma. They have five children – Hannah, Ben, Daniel, Keren and Layla.


Call 0410 532 337
[email protected]

To tailor your workshop for your team or project.